Friday, January 25, 2013

My take on the Lance Armstrong confession

The latest from AP ("Armstrong meeting with USADA appears unlikely"):
In a testy exchange of letters and statements revealing the gulf between the two sides, USADA urged Armstrong to testify under oath to help "clean up cycling." [...]

Armstrong attorney Tim Herman responded to USADA's first letter, sent Wednesday, by saying his client's schedule is already full, and besides, "in order to achieve the goal of 'cleaning up cycling,' it must be WADA and the (International Cycling Union) who have overall authority to do so."

My take: Isn't this notion of Lance Armstrong helping to "clean up cycling" rather like expecting Osama bin Laden to help "clean up al Qaeda"? Just sayin', dude kind of was the thing, wasn't he? (Please don't put a hit out on me, Lance Armstrong!)

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